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Old, wrinkled, and happy?

Each day is a chance to enjoy life to the fullest and live without regrets.  -Dove Chocolate

As much as we are obsessed with living longer, it’s amazing how many people don’t want to be “old.” As a group, we will nip and tuck, wear anti-ageing skin products, dye our hair endlessly… Anything to not look old.

That’s why I laughed out loud when I saw an ad for Dove dark chocolates. (And, no, I am not sponsored. I just love chocolate and good storytelling.) It’s a mini novel that begins with a little girl waking up in a room whose bedside table is topped with a couple of pink chocolate wrappers.

As a French songstress sings in the background, the girl’s story progresses rapidly from adolescence to a young woman to an old woman. We see her in the same blue dress, playfully enjoying life every step of the way. In the end, the woman, now aged like a fine piece of silver, pops a chocolate into her mouth and looks at her wrinkled-yet-beautiful self in delight.

“Live each day as if it’s the only one,” the ad wraps up.

I guess there’s only so far you can take this advice. Pursuing pleasure to the point of doing whatever we want can land us in a heap of trouble, now and in eternity. But, there is great wisdom in actually living, one day at a time, and enjoying every season of life as it comes.

Kudos, Dove ad creators for capturing such a life-affirming sentiment so beautifully.

In case you’re wondering which ad I’m talking about, it’s this one:

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